(Lutonya Lang: phone interview with Christian Keyes)
Industry Buzzz: What was your first movie?
Christian: Madea goes to jail was the first big thing he did he was doing some others things before to get his craft out there then and since then he has been working in shows he was doing acting that is the first /first movie was with Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Industry Buzzz: Do you feel you are fulfilling your vision now?
Christian: Yes, I do I'm getting allot closer to accomplishing the things that I want. In everything that I do I want to be able to turn around and let people know who God is.
Industry Buzzz: What was your childhood like?
Christian: I lived in several group homes and about 15 different foster homes growing up.
Industry Buzzz: How did you go from that experience and grow?
Christian: God allows you to go through so you can help someone else
I didn't feel sorry for myself. You can either feel sorry for yourself or learn from your experiences and pull lessons from them and allow them to make you stronger. The harder you go through the higher God is going to take you. Through my
foster parents, and mentor (at the Big Brothers program) I learned that no one could stop me from achieving my goals if I believe.
Industry Buzzz: Describe your personal relationship with God?
Christian: 'I don’t walk around with a bible but I know where my blessings come from and I do understand why I am here'
You have to believe and try live right. I'm keeping my head on right and staying focused. I contribute my success to God sustaining and keeping me.
Industry Buzzz: Now that you have reached this level of success, how are you handling the women? I've seen your MySpace page, they can be pretty aggressive.
Christian: I love the fan support! I'm getting used to it now and I love their passion for my gift. I don't let it go to my head. I appreciate all the support. I take the time to read the messages on my MySpace page.
Industry Buzzz: Are you dating?
Christian: ‘I’m still single and would like to have a relationship, settle down but I haven't found anyone who would be patient with my demanding schedule. I've just been dating, nothing serious yet. Not everyone can deal with this lifestyle.
Industry Buzzz: What are some challenges that you have had along the way?
Christian: There are some challenges even after what's done in the dark I was doing theatre and gospel plays for 5 years and I would like to go into films looking to act in Hollywood. It feels like I'm starting all over again. Some things I have done since Tyler Perry was another play, an Ashanti video, spots here and there on shows and other things
Being faithful with your craft and pushing it stepping out on faith, it's carrying me the rest of the way.
Industry Buzzz: What are some of your future goals?
Christian: Acting and singing on the national and international level. I have to be very determined and believe in myself and do everything in my power to maximize my God given talent. I started presenting things to God and quoting the word back to God and things have started coming into hands reach.
Industry Buzzz: How do you feel about the industry today? What do you feel you can contribute to this industry?
Christian: There are a lot of really talented artists out there but we some of them are just jumping on what is hot right now and not being more creative. A lot of music sounds the same. We need to stand out and put out lyrics that stimulate you emotionally and intellectually. It doesn't have to be about the strip clubs and booty shaking all the time.
Industry Buzzz: Do you write your own music?
Christian: Yeah, I started singing at 9 years old and writing at 12. I wrote all but one of the songs on the first CD and all on the 2nd CD.
Industry Buzzz:
How do you describe your relationship with God at this stage in your life?
Christian: I am a work in progress, I'm living right, I'm not a saint, but I have a relationship that is meaningful. I am just a real person. I bless my food at every meal. I'm just thankful.
Industry Buzzz: What is a tip you can give to an inspiring singer and actor etc..?
Christian: To make sure you do everything in your power to be ready. Study, Practice, Rehearse, do everything so that when God sets up the chance, you will be ready to walk into your destiny.
Industry Buzzz: What adventures are you embarking on now?
Christian: The 1st CD was on the Internet. My new project is the release of my 1st national/international CD coming out in August 2008. I'll be on some episodes of the House of Payne in Fall 2008. I'm apart of a movie 'Timbaland Diary' which will be going straight to DVD due early next year.
Industry Buzzz.. is so honored Christian Keyes took the time out to give us a personal phone interview. Christian is down to earth, personable and determines to excel in whatever task he embarks on. he is a loyal father while on the phone in our interview his son called. He was polite and said my son is on the line. Family is truly important to him and his son having structure and the core tools to be productive is more important then anything. Mr. Keyes is someone you should know.
Christan stated, 'I don't have a Facebook page or Blackplanet page, or any other page than www.myspace.com/christiankeyes1 and christiankeyes.com, these are my only real pages, every other one is fake.
"Photo by Marcus Redd"
If you would like to interact with more of our interview with him you can go to
www.IndustryBuzzZ.com and become apart of our family today to get more of the interview.
May GOD continue to bless him in all of his upcoming success. I will support him 100%.
#1 Fan
Traci Davidson
Fort Pierce, Florida