Keeping Misery Company delves into the life of a middle aged-minister’s daughter Ruth Wilcox. Faced with the empty nest syndrome, she has her hands full trying to cope with mounting marital problems, and the onslaught of menopause. Lately Ruth’s and her husband Daniel have drifted apart like two ships passing in the night. Ruth is the only daughter of prominent Chicago minister Rev. Isaiah Clayton and his feisty wife Queen Esther.
Daniel hasn’t been happy in the marriage for some time, and seeks solace in the arms of his young mistress Lenora. He oversleeps after a tryst between the sheets with Lenora. And when he arrives home, all hell breaks loose. Ruth snaps, and orders her husband out of the household. He gladly obliges his wife’s request, and the two part ways, leaving him the opportunity to bump up his relationship a notch with Lenora.
The couple’s older children Sarah and DJ have grown up hearing whispers about their father’s roving eye. Tenacious can be a word used to describe the relationship between Daniel and his youngest child Naomi.
Ruth’s world is rocked by Daniel’s defection. At loose end and with time on her hands, she decides to track down her older brother, Ezra, the black sheep of the Clayton family. He has a terrible secret of his own, and is dying from Aids.
It is truly a page turner.
To request a galley/review copy and/or an interview with the author
Please Contact:
P.O. Box 1271
Gaylord, MI 49734
800-806-1075 ext. 103
Denise Glesser