And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. Acts 13:22
I am not satisfied. When Adam sinned in the garden, he ushered in something that would take away from us the ability to enjoy one of the main features of our being created; not the purpose for our being created, but the main sentiment and intent that GOD had in making us. We were created in HIS image and likeness(Gen.1:26). In Adam, not only did man resemble GOD, but we were like HIM. At that point, we thought like HIM, loved like HIM, saw things the way HE does. Once sin came in, man was created in the image and likeness of man(Gen.5:3). Our true identity stolen by a trick of the enemy who, because of pride, opted to give his GOD ordained destiny away. Resembling GOD and being like HIM was no longer possible until HE sent HIS SON JESUS(Heb.1:3), WHO now GOD is calling us to be like(Rom.8:29). That's the goal.
I am not satisfied.
I believe that the utmost compliment that an individual in this life, and that being two-fold: life on this plane of existence and the abundant life that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS, can receive is for GOD HIMself to declare an individual to be one after HIS own heart. Wow! What an honor! Almighty GOD says to one of HIS that their heart is fashioned after HIS. Man, that is loaded. But we want to make sure that we keep in mind that that compliment is not complete without work on our part.
Our text makes reference to King David, the shepherd boy taken from guarding the flock and set over the LORD's inheritance, the Children of Israel, who will always go down in history as the greatest king in Israel's lineage who is not JESUS, even if his reign did not have the peace and extravagance of that in which his son Solomon's did. We read about David's relationship with GOD all throughout I & II Samuel, I Chronicles, and perhaps most impressively, the book of Psalms. GOD loved David and could proudly speak about him to the prophet Samuel as well as David's enemy Saul. David was a man after GOD's own heart. What did that mean? What does that mean for us now? The answer is two-fold.
We mentioned earlier about being fashioned after GOD's heart. When GOD pronounces that we are after HIS heart, HE knows that in which our hearts desire has become not only what HE desires for us, but what HE desires for others. Having the heart of GOD looks beyond individual's nakedness, prays for enemies, turns the other cheek, sacrifices, lays down it's life, loves unconditionally; I think you get the picture. The WORD of GOD in 1 Pet.4:1 tells us to arm ourselves with the mind of CHRIST and prepare to go through for what we believe in and what GOD has called us to do. You can't have the mind of CHRIST without getting to the heart of GOD, thereby changing yours. Ok, so now you're there and GOD can speak it over you. Is that all? No. Remember, this is a compliment that has to be completed.
Why could GOD call David a man after HIS own heart? Because David was not satisfied with where he was in terms of relationship with GOD. He knew that there was more. And so in David being a man after GOD's own heart, he was also a man after GOD's own heart. David didn't allow where he was already to cause him to stand still or to relax in his pursuit of intimacy with GOD, which would produce a fervent desire to do GOD's will and bless GOD's people. One of the definitions for after should read: to give chase. You can't be a person after GOD's own heart unless you're a person after GOD's own heart.
You can be there, but that compliment is not validated unless you continue to seek to find the more the
LORD desires to disclose of HIMself to you.
The more we hunger after the heart of GOD, the more we learn about ourselves. How to love, what love is, what we're capable of in love, who we really are. The one thing a saint of GOD should be impatient about is in seeking GOD. There is no ceiling on conforming to the image and likeness of GOD through JESUS in this life; there's always more to grasp, understand and attain, even though we're limited by our flesh. That's why the flesh and it's affections must die(Gal.5:24).
The only thing I'm satisfies me with myself is that I'm not satisfied. We can have a tendency to hear something or receive praise from someone and believe that we've arrived, but how false the press clippings can be when we feed into them and forget how frail and fragile and in need of a SAVIOUR on a daily basis we really are. I want GOD's heart. I want it enlarged in me. I want any remnant of the heart I used to have to die so that I can have HIS heart and operate and function accordingly. Being after means nothing if I don't stay after.
I'm not satisfied with where my heart is, so you'll find me after HIS...
GOD bless...
I am not satisfied. When Adam sinned in the garden, he ushered in something that would take away from us the ability to enjoy one of the main features of our being created; not the purpose for our being created, but the main sentiment and intent that GOD had in making us. We were created in HIS image and likeness(Gen.1:26). In Adam, not only did man resemble GOD, but we were like HIM. At that point, we thought like HIM, loved like HIM, saw things the way HE does. Once sin came in, man was created in the image and likeness of man(Gen.5:3). Our true identity stolen by a trick of the enemy who, because of pride, opted to give his GOD ordained destiny away. Resembling GOD and being like HIM was no longer possible until HE sent HIS SON JESUS(Heb.1:3), WHO now GOD is calling us to be like(Rom.8:29). That's the goal.
I am not satisfied.
I believe that the utmost compliment that an individual in this life, and that being two-fold: life on this plane of existence and the abundant life that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS, can receive is for GOD HIMself to declare an individual to be one after HIS own heart. Wow! What an honor! Almighty GOD says to one of HIS that their heart is fashioned after HIS. Man, that is loaded. But we want to make sure that we keep in mind that that compliment is not complete without work on our part.
Our text makes reference to King David, the shepherd boy taken from guarding the flock and set over the LORD's inheritance, the Children of Israel, who will always go down in history as the greatest king in Israel's lineage who is not JESUS, even if his reign did not have the peace and extravagance of that in which his son Solomon's did. We read about David's relationship with GOD all throughout I & II Samuel, I Chronicles, and perhaps most impressively, the book of Psalms. GOD loved David and could proudly speak about him to the prophet Samuel as well as David's enemy Saul. David was a man after GOD's own heart. What did that mean? What does that mean for us now? The answer is two-fold.
We mentioned earlier about being fashioned after GOD's heart. When GOD pronounces that we are after HIS heart, HE knows that in which our hearts desire has become not only what HE desires for us, but what HE desires for others. Having the heart of GOD looks beyond individual's nakedness, prays for enemies, turns the other cheek, sacrifices, lays down it's life, loves unconditionally; I think you get the picture. The WORD of GOD in 1 Pet.4:1 tells us to arm ourselves with the mind of CHRIST and prepare to go through for what we believe in and what GOD has called us to do. You can't have the mind of CHRIST without getting to the heart of GOD, thereby changing yours. Ok, so now you're there and GOD can speak it over you. Is that all? No. Remember, this is a compliment that has to be completed.
Why could GOD call David a man after HIS own heart? Because David was not satisfied with where he was in terms of relationship with GOD. He knew that there was more. And so in David being a man after GOD's own heart, he was also a man after GOD's own heart. David didn't allow where he was already to cause him to stand still or to relax in his pursuit of intimacy with GOD, which would produce a fervent desire to do GOD's will and bless GOD's people. One of the definitions for after should read: to give chase. You can't be a person after GOD's own heart unless you're a person after GOD's own heart.
You can be there, but that compliment is not validated unless you continue to seek to find the more the
LORD desires to disclose of HIMself to you.
The more we hunger after the heart of GOD, the more we learn about ourselves. How to love, what love is, what we're capable of in love, who we really are. The one thing a saint of GOD should be impatient about is in seeking GOD. There is no ceiling on conforming to the image and likeness of GOD through JESUS in this life; there's always more to grasp, understand and attain, even though we're limited by our flesh. That's why the flesh and it's affections must die(Gal.5:24).
The only thing I'm satisfies me with myself is that I'm not satisfied. We can have a tendency to hear something or receive praise from someone and believe that we've arrived, but how false the press clippings can be when we feed into them and forget how frail and fragile and in need of a SAVIOUR on a daily basis we really are. I want GOD's heart. I want it enlarged in me. I want any remnant of the heart I used to have to die so that I can have HIS heart and operate and function accordingly. Being after means nothing if I don't stay after.
I'm not satisfied with where my heart is, so you'll find me after HIS...
GOD bless...