Creative Soul Records has announced the Fall 2008 release of singer/songwriter Stephanie Newton's debut album, Fairytale Life. The album explores the travails of a suburban mom in a light and humorous manner, with an overall theme that Newton jokingly calls "desperate Christian housewives."
"For this project I definitely wrote from my heart," Newton relates. "It's a snapshot of my life. One minute, I'm frantically making peanut butter sandwiches and changing diapers; the next minute, my girls run up to hug me, and I'm awed by how good God is. And then there are the moments that are hard, the moments when just putting one foot in front of the other is a real struggle. I admit my faith can falter at those times, and I wonder if God is there. I wanted to write with honesty about all those moments, knowing that every one is infused with His grace."
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact:
McCain & Co. Public Relations
email: mccainprnews@mccainpr.com
phone: 615-262-1727