P.O.W.E.R. began as a print publication on 9/11/2001, in Indiana. In June of 2007, they stepped onto the digital frontier and are now publishing P.O.W.E.R. exclusively on line. This decision gives us a greater opportunity to reach the world. Now, that information is just a click away. P.O.W.E.R, the acronym for Prayer, Obedience, Worship, Edification and Rebirth, puts a fresh spin on all the elements of a well-balanced life.
They are empowering readers with the essential tools needed to achieve positive growth in their relationships, careers, finances, health, spiritual growth and overall personal development
Alright here we go!
Industry Buzzz…Ms. Stewart you are a woman innovator of a successful publishing empire.
IB: Who Is Kim Stewart?
I am a fun loving easy going person with a radical spirit and a simple belief system in life. It’s either black or white when it comes to the Christian environment. Shades of gray are never an option for me to use as an excuse. I am accountable for my actions and my words.
IB: Share more about you.
I did stand up comedy and still love to laugh. In my circle I am the life of the party wherever I go, and enjoy seeing people happy and free. I am more purpose driven and result oriented. Being extremely animated puts me in the lime light.
IB: What is most important to you in your industry?
It is important to walk in integrity and creditability while providing excellent service. My clients and associates are important and I treat all with the utmost respect and consideration.
IB: What are some of your other dreams for the near future?
Kim: I have a mandate from God to be a Christian motivational speaker. He is placing key people in my life to help shape and further develop my character. It is a leap of faith and I look forward to the challenge.
IB: What was your first career move in the Industry?
This magazine was the first move in the industry. I only had a year of college and cut English class in the process; there are only eighty words in my vocabulary and I use about twelve of them. I was not in love with words or books, magazine and had no favorite literature. I always have known from the beginning that the call was far greater than just me. Most people who have a magazine have a diva mentality. They have one or more degrees, and I am not saying that is a bad thing. Education is important, however, you have to realize that the degree didn’t get you there; it open doors. But God’s favor is why you are doing what you do. On paper I don’t have any credentials, didn’t even know how to turn on a computer, but God choose me for this purpose. He allowed me to be self-taught. The books I have taken interest in are the Bible or personal development books. I don’t like anything that is not believable or without absolute truth.
IB: What is your vision in three words?
Kim :
Prayer , obedience and worship
IB: Do you believe that you have fulfilled God's plan thus far?
IB: Why:
I have yet to take the steps needed to began a speaking career. Currently, I am waiting on confirmation from the Holy Spirit as to how to share my story without hurting anyone.
IB: When preparing for the layout concepts, how do you prepare? Any insight?
It is literately the Holy Spirit. I really don’t know how the Magazine is going too look until the end. I am very hands on with the whole project at the end of the day I look and say "Ah, this is what you wanted to do." Everything that comes from Power we give God the complete glory.
I have a scholarship to go back to school at any age, I cannot rest or get confuse thinking it was my education that got me here. I see that some people think that it was college that got them where they are but it is all God completely 150% there is no area I can take credit for It was all God. And it still is all God.
Kim added about the business
: I never aspired to work for a company I loved the freedom of being an entrepreneurial spirit. I was never a person that loved to work from 9-5
IB: What stages are you in right now in your walk with Christ?
I am really trying to listen more closely. I am reaching a cross road and sense it is time to soon share my story. While I am listening for that word to step out in faith, I am confident the God will lead me to do the right thing. There will be no question. I am waiting nervously for that assignment to tell my story.
IB: Do you feel this stage can contribute to your work now?
I think the two are separate right now. Me and the magazine have separate purposes. Kim is not Power Magazine and Power Magazine is not Kim. At some point we will become one.
IB: What do you want your supporter to know about you?
For me it was vitally important that I didn’t recreate another Christian Magazine. I wanted a Magazine that will minister to the un-church. That is what we are here. In my mind that is the service that we render to God. I believe that some are not in church because of us. I know I have caused someone to turn from God; we are human. This world is mentally ill and spiritual sick for good reason. But, I think what we have to do is be real. We have to tell the stories that will help the people involved get their needs met. Whether it is financial or spiritual, we have a responsibility to act as one body. When we learn to come together, this will cause us to become whole, complete and real.
IB: What new adventures are you embarking on this year and the near future?
Currently talking with Evelyn Bethune, the grand daughter Founder of Mary McCloud Bethune. We met this Saturday and spent a day discussing the future of the Magazine. Evelyn Bethune currently has another book out. We want to partner with each other to promote an environment that will lift our communities up.
I will be doing a Speaking Tour with powerful people. It may be at the end of this year. We will go into about ten cities. We are looking to tour with Tawana Williams author of "Unarmed But Dangerous". Tawana was born without arms and she has a remarkable story. Powerful women that turned themselves inside out. But because of God anyone can tear up the script and write a new one. We have all been somewhere that someone can identify with.
To get more information about Power Magazine