Back to the Breakfast

During the Illinois Delegation Breakfast this morning Jesse Jackson Jr urged a call for unity and forgiveness. Ill. Delegation has a meeting at 8am each morning at the Marriott Hotel during the convention. Today's meeting featured Mayor Daley speaking as well as all of the different Alderman's and city officials speaking about there vote and calling for us to take a stand concerning our vote.

Memorable moment came when Cong. Bobby Rush made remarks to the crowd - Cong. Rush has been fighting cancer but yet he is soaring as the eagle. He talked about he is still an eagle - he just lost a few feathers and just like the eagle would sit aside and pull of the dead wings and still go out and fit. He is doing the same he is a fighter and he will be there to cheer and support Obama. He finished with a standing ovation from the crowd.

Another moment that I will always remember is when Cong. Jesse Jackson, Jr made his comments to the crowd to invite the to become one in unity and forgiving each other to bring a productive change. He started to talk about how conventions are a place for togetherness and forgiveness. He gave shouted out to all the reporters who have talked bad about him in the paper and told them he loved them. To show that at some point you have to forgive and move forward.

How can you move forward and make an impact on the communities, families if you don't know how to forgive.

He stated he loved anyone that he didnt see eye to eye with - and he wanted to give a hug to everyone - Mayor Daley jumped up from his seat and hugged Jesse, Jr. the crowd roared with excitement and laughter -

Jesse, Jr started to cry - and said how he was so happy for this moment -
then Jesse, Jr. said if he could get Michael Madigan and Gov. Blago to hug it would be a miracle - (these 2 are rivals)

Gov. Blago jumped up and so did Michael Madigan and embraced each other - the media the crowd went crazy in applause. There was so many key moments. Jesse showed that there is freedom in forgiveness.

Once Jesse, Jr. finished his speech the media swarmed him in the hallway for more comments. After that the tecture of the event changed. I believe we can make a change YES WE CAN!

Okay off to the party tell you about that soon

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On today Hillary Clinton spoke
