The Experience That Has Changed My Life: Democratic Convention In Denver

I want to be really honest as I am always with you. I was registered to vote but I have not voted since Bill Clinton I believe was in office. Why is that? It was because I saw no hope. No one to believe in. No one I thought would have my family interest at heart.

Now there is someone by the name of Barack Obama who has shown himself to be a man of faith, family, integrity and structure. Those are values that in my opinion is necessary for us to grow and develop a strong nation. We have in some cases walked away from the values of faith, family and structure. It shows by not taking responsiblity for the choices we make. We tend to find something else to blame things on instead of saying you know what I was wrong in this matter. Then find away to correct it. Some of the values has been distorted by media, or most like myself didn't have a clear understanding of politics.

There we go again just excepting things at face value and not doing our homework. Now I am doing my homework on politics and the people on the front line.

Now this blog is not to impose my views on you. I am just a woman with an opinion. But I don't want my son to go through with the economy, schools, being able to live a free and properous life. I want him to have all the tools he need to be a productive man in this world. I think our votes should go deeper then just what is on the surface. This is being viewed for the future for me.
