Friday, August 22 and Saturday August 23 at the Duke Ellington Theater
Winans Gospel Dynasty Member is Promoting New Single “You Never Let Me Down”
Washington, D.C. playright Patrice Reynolds is staging her first play this week and it features a cameo appearance by Marvin Winans Jr. (formerly of Winans Phase 2). has just released the first single from his forthcoming “Image of a Man” CD. The warm and lively single “You Never Let Me Down” has just become available for purchase on itunes.com and amazon.com. The resposne has been ecstatic. One fan posted a five-star review and wrote: “Whoa! I knew it would be good cause I'm familiar with the artist but wow, this song got me right away. I can't wait to get this in my car!”
The Caribbean-styled track was produced by Rodney Jerkins (Jennifer Lopez, Michael Jackson, Beyonce). Perfect for summer drives down the expressway with the rooftop down, Winans and Jerkins have crafted a feel good anthem. "It’s the joy you feel when you know that you have someone with you that will never fail you, never let you fall, never let you down,” says Winans of the song. “I thank God for being there for me, and I pray I can be there for others!"
The son of gospel stars Marvin Winans Sr. and Vickie Winans, Winans got his start with the group Phase 2. Their first CD We Got Next debuted at #1 on Billboard’s gospel charts in 1999 and sold over 300,000 units. He founded M2 Entertainment in 2000 and has produced a number of artists, including his famous mom. A triple threat; Winans writes, sings and plays the keys. It’s a thrilling collection of songs guaranteed to bring Winans a wide audience. “ This CD is an opportunity for me to begin to express who I am,” he says. “Love Forgotten” opens Friday, August 22nd at the Duke Ellington Theater, 35th and R Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 Tickets are $25 to $35 and available at www.ellingtonschool.org or www.opticadais.com
Media Contact: Bill Carpenter at (202) 506-5051 or carpenterbill@mac.com