ABOUT BLUE MAN GROUP IN CHICAGOBlue Man Group is a theatrical production unlike any other. This multi-sensory experience featuring three enigmatic bald and blue characters combines theatre, percussive music, art, science and vaudeville to create a completely unique form of entertainment. People from all over the world, from all walks of life, and from all age groups have raved about Blue Man Group’s performances at the Briar Street Theatre and around the world.
ABOUT BLUE MAN GROUP IN CHICAGOBlue Man Group is a theatrical production unlike any other. This multi-sensory experience featuring three enigmatic bald and blue characters combines theatre, percussive music, art, science and vaudeville to create a completely unique form of entertainment. People from all over the world, from all walks of life, and from all age groups have raved about Blue Man Group’s performances at the Briar Street Theatre and around the world.