Election of Bishop Charles Blake Inspires Private Donor to Give More Grant Funding to Educate COGIC Churches
Urban church growth and development firm has received additional private funding to help teach Church of God In Christ churches exactly how to access billions of dollars in grants, loans and subsidies intended to help the African-American community overcome its major economic and social problems.
Portsmouth, VA (ChristianPRgroup.com) - The recent election of Bishop Charles Blake to the COGIC general board has motivated a wealthy philanthropist to help Blake realize the vision that was cast in the 2008 COGIC AIM convention held in Detroit MI. The philanthropist believes that Church of God In Christ (COGIC), under the leadership of Presiding Bishop Charles Blake is well positioned to make a positive impact towards solving many of the problems plaguing African-American communities including high school dropout rates, HIV/AIDS, prisoner reentry, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, etc. In addition to confidence in Blake, the philanthropist is encouraged by the size of COGIC; an international organization, with over 6 million members worldwide, the majority of whom reside in urban communities.
Urban Awareness USA was selected to receive this additional round of grant funding, in part, because of the vision of its owner, Tracy J. Brown and his proven track record of helping urban churches achieve their ministry visions. Mr. Brown wrote the book titled A Moses for Urban America in which he outlines his plan to solve the problems of Urban America by educating African-American churches on how to use funding from the Faith-Based Initiative and private sources to implement programming to solve problems in the inner city. Mr. Brown says, "I feel privileged that Urban Awareness USA has been selected to receive this additional funding gift to help COGIC churches become more empowered and equipped to deal with the problems facing their communities. I'm also overjoyed that Urban Awareness USA is quickly becoming the undisputed authority on community growth and development issues for the urban church...prayerfully funding will continue to pour in so that we can help more ministries like COGIC more effectively reach the communities God has called them to serve."
According to sources familiar with the terms of the grant, Urban Awareness has received enough funding to assist 250 COGIC churches nationwide, with the possibility of receiving additional funding in phase two as early as spring 2009. Additional funding for this and future initiatives is contingent, in part, upon the success of phase one of the COGIC initiative, with similar programs under consideration for Full Gospel, AME, AMEZ, and Baptist organizations. To ensure an impartial application process, Urban Awareness USA has established a special website for COGIC Pastors and leaders to apply for the program ( www.cogicdevelopmentgrant.org or www.cogic-development-grant.org).
Urban Awareness USA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit church growth and development consultant established in 2004, provides consulting services to urban churches and community leaders to enhance the lives of those who live in urban communities. Urban Awareness USA is the United States White House representative for the Coalition of African- American Pastors (CAAP). In 2006, the founder of Urban Awareness USA, Tracy J. Brown, was invited to the White House by the President of the United States. In 2007, Mr. Brown co-authored a book with the legendary civil rights activist, Dr. Benjamin Hooks. In 2008, Mr. Brown was, again, invited to the United States White House to receive the Congregational Medal of Distinction presented by Rep. Tom Cole.
If you are affiliated with Church of God In Christ and would like to apply for an education grant please visit http://www.COGICDEVELOPMENTGRANT.ORG or to receive more information about this topic please call 1-866-975-8722 EXT 102. To schedule an interview with Mr. Tracy J. Brown, please call Mr. Travoris Carnes at 1-866-975-8722 or email Mr. Carnes at TC@urbanawarenessusa.org
Mailing Address: Urban Awareness USA, 601 Dinwiddie Street, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704 Website Address: www.urbanawarenessusa.org