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So it is time for the Monarch Magazine event. It happen on Thursday, July 8, 2010 it was a busy day for me. We had the radio show on the same day and two other events. I knew I was going to be running but it was important to show my support to Christi With an Eye (CWAE PR), Zondra Hughes, Art Sims and the other Chicago Movers & Shakers highlighted in Monarch Magazine. It was about 9:15 pm I ended the radio show with Apostle CD Bush. I got right in the car and headed to one event and found out they where not there. Good thing the House of Blues was right up the street. So by this time making it through Downtown it was about 10:15 or 10:20pm I didn't think Christi and the Monarch Team was still there. But Hey why not try. Coming up to the Door I immediately see one of my favorite people Art "Chat Daddy" Sims and Oh So Fuzzy
Went right in after hanging with Art for a second. It was still packed. It was a great night for inspiration. I was so inspired when I walked in. I saw people networking and just having a good old time. Congratulations to Monarch Magazine. Keep it Coming!!!