I just looked at him and laughed. Then started getting my self together and worked with my website team for my client. They where fussing that I am doing to much but soon we will have people who have a passion for what we do on board. But I have to keep it moving...until then...the radio show was awesome we had Jasmine Burch & Bishop Samuel Johnson check out the radio show of course right here... As soon as it was over my sister was there on the money ready to get me to the event. We did our TV show.. It was allot of women out and a few men there to support the movie "For Colored Girls" it is a must go see. On the way in and out they gave us some nice presents of course I had to open the tissue. SO make sure you have your tissue open and ready. It is a must GO SEE get all your girls and guys too and make it a movie night.
It was nice. You know what I support people so much on there events some paid and not paid... But it is nice to hear them say thank you and not take what I do forgretted. Like I am surpose to do it.. It is nice to be recognized for the hard work I do as well. So thank you to Alicia at Avents by August Click Here To Connect and placed us in the program ... Alright Keeping it moving and I know you are as well cannot wait to blog in a few I have some video footage for you as well on the interviews we did at the event CLICK HERE Shout out to to my family over at TCM Radio, Darryl King, Francine Ultimate TV, Grants Photo & Motions, Aunt Cretia Daycare, Victoria Knox, Red Level Entertainment, Carl West, J Shuntay who where there as well... See you on the site xoxoxo Lutonya