It was so sweet we were traveling with my Parents. Johns says, "Hey Ma we can drop Grandma & Granddad off at home and go to the movies and to the restaurant" It was so cute. So I said to John, "Babe how are you going to pay for it." He saids " I have money at home. When you drop Grandma & Granddad off I will get it." We all began to laugh but he was so serious. John loves the movies so we go to the movies allot for mommie & me time. It will be interesting to see what God allows him to go into as a profession.
So we finally make it home. He comes into the room pull his money together. Then he looks at me saying "Mom can I go into my piggie bank." My answer is " No, what do we do with money. He say "We spend a little and save allot." He picks up the money on the dressor. Then goes to my Dad and ask him to help him count the money out. At the end he has $2.02. I just laughed saying "John that's not enough money for us to go. So he looks at me and walks away. He goes to his Grandma and says "Grandma can I have a loan." They busted out laughing. So I go in to see what happen they tell me John said "Grandma can I have a loan." Grandma ask "John how much do you need" he tells his Grandma "I need .75 cents" so she gives him a $1.00. Grandma said "John how are you going to pay the loan back." He looks at me. Then says "Man I don't know." It was funny and it just kept going. At that point he has now $3.02 I wished for that second we could go to the movies for that amount. Along time ago you could. Well he has about $16. 98 to go.!! LOL
The movies are not cheap at all.
I told John "Save Your Money and We will go when you get enough money." Some may say well why didn't you just pay for it. Well in order for him to learn how to be a man and take care of a woman he needs to learn. I am looking forward to him getting enough money to take me to the movies. He tells me "Mommie I can pass out some flyers and get paid." I said "Yes you can, hard work pays off everytime." He either learn now or I will pay later.
xoxoxo Lutonya
So we finally make it home. He comes into the room pull his money together. Then he looks at me saying "Mom can I go into my piggie bank." My answer is " No, what do we do with money. He say "We spend a little and save allot." He picks up the money on the dressor. Then goes to my Dad and ask him to help him count the money out. At the end he has $2.02. I just laughed saying "John that's not enough money for us to go. So he looks at me and walks away. He goes to his Grandma and says "Grandma can I have a loan." They busted out laughing. So I go in to see what happen they tell me John said "Grandma can I have a loan." Grandma ask "John how much do you need" he tells his Grandma "I need .75 cents" so she gives him a $1.00. Grandma said "John how are you going to pay the loan back." He looks at me. Then says "Man I don't know." It was funny and it just kept going. At that point he has now $3.02 I wished for that second we could go to the movies for that amount. Along time ago you could. Well he has about $16. 98 to go.!! LOL
The movies are not cheap at all.
I told John "Save Your Money and We will go when you get enough money." Some may say well why didn't you just pay for it. Well in order for him to learn how to be a man and take care of a woman he needs to learn. I am looking forward to him getting enough money to take me to the movies. He tells me "Mommie I can pass out some flyers and get paid." I said "Yes you can, hard work pays off everytime." He either learn now or I will pay later.
xoxoxo Lutonya