**For Immediate Release**
Existing to make disciples in accordance with the Great Commission of Jesus Christ
RIVER FOREST, IL. - The House of Prayer International Church will hold its Inaugural Worship Service on Sunday, January 23rd, 2011, 3:00 pm, at 1376 West Carroll Street in Chicago, Illinois (at the corner of Carroll and Ogden).
The House of Prayer International Church exists to make disciples in accordance with the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
The House of Prayer International Church was birthed out and founded by Reverend Marcel Townsel on June 23, 2010. The ministry needs that we shall address are domestic violence/abuse, at-risk youth behaviors, and disconnectedness of military community with civilian life.
These needs will be addressed via the creation of a Domestic Violence Prevention ministry that connects with existing programs in the area to create a greater awareness. With regards to adverting at-risk adolescent behavior, we shall implement our youth mentoring program, which was developed in 2002.
Concerning the lack of military connectedness, we have observed the need to form a bridge with the military and establish a program where each church adopts a military unit.
We are planning to implement additional ministries in the following areas of the church as we develop::
Strong Intercessory Prayer Team
Effective Pastoral Care
Strong Missions & Evangelism
Fully Accredited Bible Institute
State-of-the-art Media
Effective Health & Wellness
A K-12 Educational Academy, with a before and after school program, GED classes
Pro social Mentoring programs
Culturally Relevant & Biblically Sound Music ministry
Sundays, 3:00pm at 1376 West Carroll Street in Chicago, Illinois (at the corner of Carroll and Ogden).
Every 3rd Saturday:
Saturday Night Worship Experience (TO BE ANNOUNCED)
Pastor Marcel Townsel is a believer of Jesus Christ, the son of the only true and living God. He is a licensed minister, called to preach and teach “the Gospel of Jesus Christ, of which he is not ashamed, for it is the power of God unto salvation….” Rare, radical, and sold-out servant of the Lord is just a few descriptions of this great man of God.
Currently, Pastor Townsel is striving to walk in the image of Jesus Christ via practical leadership. In addition, the walk of faith is occurring through prayer and the application of God’s Word daily, in serving the community wherein he works. From the time Pastor Townsel segued from college life into manhood and beyond, his father, Deacon Johnny Townsel Sr., provided practical ministerial mentoring. As a minister of the Gospel, he has developed into an excellent expositor under the Pastorate and leadership of the Rev. Dr. C.E. Stowers, Jr. at the Mars Hill Baptist Church of Chicago.
As pastor of House of Prayer International Church, Pastor Marcel Townsel is committed to faithfully feeding the flock of God and Making Disciples In Accordance With The Great Commission of Jesus Christ.