"God is always forgiving us for what we have done...
Don't hold on to unforgiveness...
It's just dead weight. It stops you from moving forward in your life. I know ...I know you may say it is so so so hard to forgive this person for what they did or said. Clear your mind and remember you can hold on or just LET IT GO!!!
When you hold on to it not only does it STOP YOU FROM MOVING FORWARD; it holds you up from reaching your visions and dreams. Your mind is clouded so you miss out on everything God has to offer you. The enemy wants you to hold on to unforgiveness and let it grow inside you. When it grows it causes bitterness and the list goes on of the spirits it brings. Then he will be able to use that and slow you down from reaching your full potential.
LET IT GO!!! When you let it go you have everything to gain. I was holding on to things people did and what they said they would do. I notice that it had no affect on them. They was still going on about there day not even thinking of what they did to me or what they said they would do. That is why your faith HAS TO BE IN GOD & NOT MAN. The word even say "man will fail you" but God will NEVER FAIL. So, I got hip to the game the enemy was playing. Using people to hold me back..
God is always forgiving us and he throws it into the sea not to remember it anymore... Now that doesn't mean that we won't have to go through somethings for that decision...{just wanted to add that note} But He ALWAYS FORGIVES US IN LOVE & KEEPS ON MOVING!
We should do that! It's not the person it's the enemy using that person, place or things to hold you up from your blessing. Well I won't be held up any longer. When you forgive do it in LOVE. You will be the one that really benefits.
Get #BuzzZinOFF How has forgiveness changed your life? Encourage someone else to FORGIVE & KEEP IT MOVING!!
Don't hold on to unforgiveness...
It's just dead weight. It stops you from moving forward in your life. I know ...I know you may say it is so so so hard to forgive this person for what they did or said. Clear your mind and remember you can hold on or just LET IT GO!!!
When you hold on to it not only does it STOP YOU FROM MOVING FORWARD; it holds you up from reaching your visions and dreams. Your mind is clouded so you miss out on everything God has to offer you. The enemy wants you to hold on to unforgiveness and let it grow inside you. When it grows it causes bitterness and the list goes on of the spirits it brings. Then he will be able to use that and slow you down from reaching your full potential.
LET IT GO!!! When you let it go you have everything to gain. I was holding on to things people did and what they said they would do. I notice that it had no affect on them. They was still going on about there day not even thinking of what they did to me or what they said they would do. That is why your faith HAS TO BE IN GOD & NOT MAN. The word even say "man will fail you" but God will NEVER FAIL. So, I got hip to the game the enemy was playing. Using people to hold me back..

We should do that! It's not the person it's the enemy using that person, place or things to hold you up from your blessing. Well I won't be held up any longer. When you forgive do it in LOVE. You will be the one that really benefits.
Get #BuzzZinOFF How has forgiveness changed your life? Encourage someone else to FORGIVE & KEEP IT MOVING!!